It was a crazy Sunday. Xander would not go to Nursery and would not hold still nor be quiet during sacrament meeting. After our final meeting, I chased him (reverently) through the chapel until, thanks to a trick move, I finally caught up with him. I grabbed him by the wrist, slung him, screaming and crying, up over my shoulder, and walked (in my high heels, with heavy church bag, stuffed with toys, snacks, and probably bricks) to our car which was parked quite a distance away. With a final heave, I slung/wrestled him into his car seat and against much resistance, managed to buckle his heiny in.
Suddenly, Xander stopped screaming, turned and looked at me.
X: "PHEW!!"
Hello again
3 months ago
Your kids say the funniest things. It's great that you're keeping a record of them- especially Skyler- where does he learn this stuff?!?!?! Makes me laugh every time I read your blog!
Church can be so tough .....
I honestly have no idea where he learns this stuff! I'm just trying to keep up, and failing miserably!! ;)
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