A few weeks ago I got Xander out of the bath, toweled him off, lotioned him up, dressed him, and sent him on his way to play. I found him a second later right back where we started. I guess I was wrong. Turns out bath time was not over. Sooo not over. Sooo right back where we started.
Hello again
3 months ago
But, look at him. How could you possibly get mad at that face??? lol By the way, great move getting the camera to capture the moment!
ROFL!!! We have to run zone defense at bathtime for just this reason... One of us get them out and dried, and the other dresses them and makes sure Moroni stays out in the living room afterwards until the tub is drained!
Love the change in the Blog background, btw... you are one of the ones that inspired me to try blogging too... lamexicanaalbina.blogspot.com
How can you ever get mad at a kid with eyes like that? God made them cute on purpose huh?
Haha between this and the Jabba the Hutt comment... oh lands, Annie, your kids crack me up! Gotta love em!
A little guy after my own heart. I'm not sure a morning goes by that I don't want to just get back in the shower and hang out there instead of going to work. mmmmmmm showerrrrrr
That is so funny, I have the same picture of Jack!
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