We made a trip to the credit union this week to make a deposit. We turned into the driveway and Xander, pointing, exclaimed excitedly from the back seat, "House! House!! Sucker House!!!"
It's in moments like this that I realize that my kids live in a completely different reality than I do.
Hello again
3 months ago
That is so great. I love reading your blog. Your kids are adorable.
I hear ya. The other night at dinner Avery kept saying, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy," by the time he answered her she had forgotten what she was going to say so she said, "Uhhh, woodchips." The randomness does keep me on my toes though.
This afternoon, Xander informed me that due to the free treat policy at the bakery, Macey's is actually called the "Cookie House."
Turns out that Mcdonald's is the "Chicken Nugget House" too :)
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