M: (driving) "Hey, Aria, check out that totally cute dog over there! How cute is he?!!"
A:"He's so cute and happy! Mom, I really wish we had a dog...and also a cat. A dog, AND a cat....AND a lobster."
Hello again
3 months ago
M: (driving) "Hey, Aria, check out that totally cute dog over there! How cute is he?!!"
A:"He's so cute and happy! Mom, I really wish we had a dog...and also a cat. A dog, AND a cat....AND a lobster."
Posted by Annie at 8:29 PM
Are you from New England or something?
Hey, a lobster would be a pretty easy pet to take care of. When you got hungry, or you were just done having a lobster, you could eat it. That's a pretty cool pet!
I say you get an eight pound lobster. fatten it up to an eighty puond lobster. and eat the profits ;)
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