As part of my Trek preparation, I've been asked to write down 25 things for which I am grateful. I was supposed to do this once a month, starting in (gulp) January and going through June. Since, I have a teeny tiny bit of catching up to do, I've decided to do it all at once here and let you in on my list! So, in no particular order:
1.My family (especially my very good-looking and hard-working husband, Shelby) 2.The Gospel 3.The atonement 4.Mint Milanos 5.Oreos 6."Owning" my own house 7.Shelby's stable job 8.Knowing how to make my own bread 9. Helpful friends and neighbors 10.Indoor plumbing 11.A working furnace 12.The availability of different foods 13.Thrift stores 14.Being able to attend BYU 15.Close proximity of temples 16.Growing up in New England 17.On Demand movies on my new couch 18.Pumpkin cookies from the freezer 18.A quiet neighborhood 19.A safe place to run 20.A great school for my children 21.A free country 22.Our military 23.Community theater 24. A good city council working hard to improve my city 25.Lilacs 26.A great city library 27.Our family's good health 28.Still-functioning vehicles 29.A brother in the car business 30.Body pillows 31.Hot chocolate 32.Cold chocolate 33.REALLY generous parents and in-laws 34.Magic Erasers 35.Epidurals 36.Air conditioning 37.Coupons 38.Seat belts 39.Law enforcement 40.Volunteer and Paid Fire Fighters 41.Ben 42.Jerry 43.Blogs 44.Facebook 45.My drivers' license 46.Safe Airplanes 47.Organized athletics 48.The PTA 49.Teachers 50.Living in a country with good and sanitary medical care 51.City parks 52.Calculators 53.Naptime for my kids 54.Naptime for me 55.Lawn mowers 56.Real Southern BBQ 57.Biggest Loser 58.Grey's Anatomy 59.Flat irons 60.Concealor 61.Contact lenses 62.High heels on clearance 63.Democracy 64.Skyler's dimples 65.Aria's recent streak of really good behavior 66.Xander's sense of humor 67.Skyler's common sense 66.Aria's flare for life 67.Xander's smile 68.Bubble baths 69.Shelby's concientious romantic gestures 70.Shelby's smokin' new bod :) 71.Google 72.My 5 senses 73.Two working computers 74.A washer and dryer 75.A dishwasher 76. Pantyhose to mask my legs on days I didn't shave 77.Our tree swing 78.Our porch 79.Oprah 80.Operas 81.Good jokes 82.Recycling 83.Mirrors 84.Feminine Hygeine products 85.Ipods 86.Yogurt 87.Old Christmas specials 88.Occasionally finding money in old purses or pants I haven't worn for a long time 89.Clothes that fit me and are reasonably in style 90.Shelby's willingness to cook and his ability to do it well 91.Chances to serve 92.Family vacations 93.Eating out 94.Deodorant 95.Singing-my own and others' 96.Parents who are still married 97.Lots of family near-by 98.Knowing how to swim 99.Poetry 100.Mueseums 101.Beautiful Art 1o2.Warm Winter clothing 103.Cartoons 104.Great (and free!) babysitting 105.Conditioner 106.Lotion 107.Vermont maple syrup 108.Beautiful and clever music 109.Cell phones 110.Good bras 111.Dentists 112.Vitamins and supplements 113.Containers 114.Midol 115.People who do their callings well 116.Mindless chores 117.New recipes 118.Food Storage 119.My new carpeting 120.Hand sanitizer 121.Chalk holders 122.White boards 123.Toliet paper 124.My mom's spaghetti sauce 125.Shelby's patience 126.Shelby's talent 127.Aria's pretty hair 128.Skyler's intelligence 129.Xander's snuggles 130.My electric stove 131.Hair dryers 132.Flat irons 133.My toaster 134.DVRs 135.Disposable diapers and wipes 136.Spring 136.Fall 137.The Olympics 138.Parades 139.Layton High Theater program 140.People smarter than I am 141.Really good authors 142.People who love and are good at math 143.The Young Women's program 144.Relief Society 145.The Priesthood 146.Corn on the cob with butter and salt 147.Youtube 148.Itunes 149.Global awareness 150.Hot soup with whole wheat toast
Hello again
3 months ago
You must really love flat irons. (You have it on there twice.) Thanks for sharing. Very insightful!
Ha ha! No way! Ok, replace one flat iron with one waffle iron. How's that?! Thanks, Kari!
Okay...this is going to sound crazyx6, but I *know* you love Mint Milanos...and the only reason is because about 10 years ago at a Pioneer Day in South Royalton, I was spending the night. My friend Mandi Dauphinee and I ran into you & Janna spending the night there and were about to make a gas station run just before midnight. You asked me to grab you Mint Milano cookies, so I bought you some, put them by your tent to give to you and some little kid STOLE them!!! Do you remember that?! Ahhhhh ha ha ha. I miss you, Annie. We've both lived in UT forever and I've never once seen you!
That was a fun look at who you are. Kabeaner took the words right out of my mouth! I noticed that too. See, we are really hanging on your every word. By the way, I laughed at Ben, Jerry. The whole thing was great. Thanks.
I think counting Ben & Jerry as two is cheating! ;)
and what about Hagen-Daas?
Cheating?!! It takes two to make that kind of a masterpiece!! I worked as a tour guide at the Ben and Jerry's factory in VT, so Hagen-Daas does nothing for me. Sorry April:)
Camilla, SOO funny! I totally had forgotten that! Dumb kid!! Thanks anyway. SO cool that you remembered!! Where do you live now? Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah!
What's up with making Vermont maple syrup 107 on your list??? It should be higher than that! That is the good stuff!
Karyn, you'll notice she said "in no particular order." Otherwise, I'm sure "Shelby's smokin' new bod" would have ranked much higher than 70. :)
SOO true, Babe!
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