Shelby was looking at an insert in the newspaper today, all about nutrition for kids. Skyler came over to look at it too. He got excited and said, "Look Dad, carbohydrates! You LOVE those!"
Hello again
3 months ago
Shelby was looking at an insert in the newspaper today, all about nutrition for kids. Skyler came over to look at it too. He got excited and said, "Look Dad, carbohydrates! You LOVE those!"
Posted by Annie at 1:20 PM
Well, who doesn't love carbohydrates really? I know I do. Your kids are TOO funny. I love all your little -isms!
Mmmm. Carbs. They're my favorite too. :)
I love carbs too. Is there such thing as a carb-adict?
You're all missing the bigger issue here. How does Skyler know what a carbohydrate is? How can he READ the word "carbohydrate"? How does he correctly do all of this and then apply it to life?
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