I've come to the conclusion that Aria cannot walk. She is entirely capable of running, jumping, hopping, leaping, and sliding from one location to the next, but, as I have not seen her walk in several years, I'm pretty sure it is no longer in her repertoire. I don't think they make special parking places for people like Aria, so there are no "perks"; but I assure you, it is a disability. She injures herself several times a day, and mundane tasks, such as bringing a plate from the table to the sink, are next to impossible. I can only hope that one day she finds a support group of others like her, to buoy her up through the hard times. In the mean time, we just give her all the love we can, and keep our insurance card handy.
Hello again
3 months ago
She can join Emma's group for injury. Emma cannot go through the day without hurting herself from pure klutziness ... At least once a day she falls out of her chair and the dining room table for no apparent reason and somehow door frames leap into her path when they see her coming ...
Melody seems to be developing the same problem. In the last two weeks, she seems to be unable to keep up with her feet and she falls down. So far, we've had 2 REALLY fat lips, one big cut in the mouth, and a broken tooth. Sigh.
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