My favorite deal this week is at Smith's. Friday from 3-11pm, you can get fresh blueberries for $1.00 along with many other special deals only available during those hours. The best I've seen them for in a while is 3/$5.
Also, I discovered that at Winegars in Clearfield, they have a Gator Deal which states that if any store within a 3-mile radius has any item marked lower than the same item at Winegars, they will give you that item for FREE!! I got free cheese last week. The checkers are a tad oblivious to the rule, but it is stated very clearly all over the store and has been up for months, so compare, and shop away!!
Hello again
3 months ago
No way! Are you serious about those deals? Annie - I got to go shopping with you!:)
We tried to get blueberries at 4:00 and they were all sold out! Poor Bryant.
Bummer!!! Better luck next time, y'all!
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