This is Shelby again. I should just get my own blog...
The reason I'm here today is to pay tribute to my favorite person. Annie and I will have been married for 8 years by this time next week. She is extraordinary and wonderful in every way. I could go on and on, but you'd get sick of reading it and ditch her blog. I don't want that.
So instead I will say one thing I just love, love, love about her and invite each of you to do the same. Consider it your anniversary gift to us.
Right from the beginning I could tell that Annie was a girl who was going to keep me guessing. Just when I thought I "got" her, she'd astound me. Some new talent would emerge, some new aspect of her personality, some new piece of knowledge or perspective I had never considered before. She was like a rainbow, an illusion close enough to touch that always kept you looking for its end. She still is. Everyday a new and better woman wakes up and greets me. Amazing!
Now it's your turn. You took the time to check her blog today, so you must care. Why? What's so great about Annie anyway?
Hello again
3 months ago
One of the best things I love about Annie (and I figure I should only choose one so there's plenty to go around!) is her sincerity. No matter what you're talking about, she's always honest about her feelings. She'll never say something just to placate someone or just because it's what the majority say. She's never afraid to give her opinion, but she knows not everyone will share it. She's a great example for me in that respect. I've become a lot more open about my thoughts since I got to know her. That's what I think is so great about Annie!
My favorite thing about my mom is sitting around her because I love her and I like to be close to her.
The thing I love most about Andrea (and she will always be Andrea to me)is how much she loves Shelby and her children. She's a great mom and does increadable things for her family. She is a joy to have as a duaghter-in-law, the kind you always hope your children will find. I liked her from the first minute I met her and that hasn't changed in the eight years since then. I've only grown to love her more. Happy Anniversary, happy person.
Whenever I am around Annie she makes me feel better about myself. She has a way of making people feel wonderful.
Happy Anniversary to both of you. We think so highly of you!
It's hard to just pick one so I won't. Annie is my little girl, no matter how grown up she is. I think every mom feels that way about her children. Annie has a piece of my heart that is just hers. From the time she was born I felt like my life was blessed. A little girl! She has been my cuddle bug, my peacemaker, and my shining star. I love the girl she was and the woman she has become. She is a wonderful mom, wife, sister, daughter and friend. I'm so happy that she has found her true love and that she works so hard to have a good marriage and family life. She is an example to me. Annie, I love you and I know the lord loves you because you are a person of integrity. I'm so happy that you are my daughter and my friend. I love you.
I love annie because she is a true friend. Someone that I know will listen and care, anytime even if we haven't seen each other for weeks! Every time I see her I feel better about the day!
Ok well thanks to Tammy I am now crying.. Everything she said is so right on!
Annie I love you because you are you. There are no hidden secrets. Your so real and sincere. You are beautiful, you are simple, you are talented. I love that you are such a great Mom and wife (it shows just from reading your blog). I love that you are spiritual and have so much faith. I love that you make me laugh and cry when I read your blog. I love that when I am around you I feel like a better person because of the way you treat me. You're amazing. I want to be just like you someday. Happy Anniversary to you both!
Annie...I love you! In the short time that I have known you, I can see that you are a quality person. You cannot help but bring happiness to those that are around you. You have the ability to calm a tense situation just by your presence. I hope to be able to be invloved with you more frequently. Much Love!
I agree with heather. annie is always there to listen and every time you talk to her you just come away much happier. she is an amazing example and she honestly and truely cares.
happy aniversary ya'll
My favorite thing about Annie (coming from almost ten years experience) is that it is almost impossible to not be happy when you are with her. She is contagious!
I seriously don't know what to say. Thank you! I have the best friends and family ever. I love you guys!
There are so many things I love about Annie, and I don't even know her that well- just from sharing a role, dressing room and stage-husband with her for several months. :P I love how she always validated my feelings, and never made me feel stupid when I felt a certain way about a line, or blocking, or a costume. (that stupid habit-head thing! argh!) She would put 110% into every single rehearsal and every single show. She is always full of energy and only slowed down when her kids needed her. Never a night went by that she didn't make me laugh. :) Love you Annie! Well, and you too, Shelby, even though we've never shared a dressing room or stage-husband. HA!
Annie is just plan and simple a great person. The kind of person that everyone should have in their life as a friend. I also see her as an incredible mother to her children and wife to Shelby, not only that but she makes fantasic peanutbutter and chocolate treats!!!
Annie is one of my favorite people in the world, so I'm glad I found her again! Annie lights up the room and her presence makes everyone around her shine, too--it's a rare and precious gift. You're wonderful, Annie!
--Kristy (Roggio) Kugler
Annie is a true friend! When she asks if she can do anything for you, she means it and will truly do anything! Love you Annie! And happy anniversary!
Wow! Wow wow wow!! You all make me smile so much! What an amazing gift you have all given me. I love you!
Sorry so late to hop on the favorite thing about Annie is she is always there to listen...especially when I am wondering if I have screwed up my children for life :)
Oh and I also admire the fact that you can be such a wonderful stay at home mom, you truely have the hardest job of all.
Annie went out of her way to kindly introduce herself to a new cast member in Paint Your Wagon (oh, the good old days) and began a lasting friendship. Annie always makes sure to give me and hug and ask how things are going and she listens-I can tell she truly cares. Annie is about as special as they come. She is truly a genuine person. (nique)
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