I have omentum momentum. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. My omentum is growing ever so slightly, but steadily. Did you know that if your omentum gets big, it is the most dangerous fat in your body? Mine doesn't seem to care. Stupid omentum. I tell it not too, but it's like, "NOoooooooOO! YOU had to go and eat a fifth bowl of icecream." Like it's my fault. I believe my omentum is telling me to do these ridiculous things against my will. Like I wanted to eat the icecream. Like I thought mint chocolate chip with extra chocolate syrup for the fifth night in a row tasted good or something. Stupid omentum. My omentum hates me. The feeling is mutual....
Hello again
3 months ago
I think you need to submit that to Dr. Oz for his next edition of "You On a Diet." That is the only nutrition book I have ever liked by the way.
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